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Benefits and Considerations for Hosted PBX Systems

If you are a small- to medium-sized business, or even a big corporation, effective communications are a pivotal part of your business. It doesn’t matter if you are a small local restaurant, a sales office with 250 employees, or a marketing company of 500+. Proper communications capabilities can create a productive atmosphere and a more powerful work environment. That’s why VoIP phone and communications systems have become an essential part of modern business. But one decision many modern businesses find themselves facing is whether or not they want a hosted PBX system or an on-site PBX. Each comes with its own set of benefits and factors to consider. In today’s blog at VoIP Xchange 360 in Dallas, we go over some of the main appeals and drawbacks of hosted PBX services to help you choose the VoIP option that’s best for your business. Keep reading to learn more or get in touch with one of our VoIP professionals for a customized communication solution. Be sure to check back for part two where we discuss the pros and cons of on-site PBX services!

If you are a small- to medium-sized business, or even a big corporation, effective communications are a pivotal part of your business. It doesn’t matter if you are a small local restaurant, a sales office with 250 employees, or a marketing company of 500+. Proper communications capabilities can create a productive atmosphere and a more powerful work environment. That’s why VoIP phone and communications systems have become an essential part of modern business. But one decision many modern businesses find themselves facing is whether or not they want a hosted PBX system or an on-site PBX. Each comes with its own set of benefits and factors to consider. In today’s blog at VoIP Xchange 360 in Dallas, we go over some of the main appeals and drawbacks of hosted PBX services to help you choose the VoIP option that’s best for your business. Keep reading to learn more or get in touch with one of our VoIP professionals for a customized communication solution. Be sure to check back for part two where we discuss the pros and cons of on-site PBX services!

What is PBX?

First thing’s first. For those of you unfamiliar with PBX, PBX stands for Private Branch Exchange. PBX is, in essence, a technical term for communications systems that are accessed via a network. This network can be either at your place of business or hosted by another company (like VoIP Xchange 360) anywhere in the world. Since this communication is cloud-based rather than relying on telephone lines, you and your employees can access this communications network anywhere in the world via the internet. This is an especially enticing option now that a record number of businesses are transitioning to work from home.

Benefits of Hosted PBX

Now that we have a little background on what PBX is, let’s take a look at how hosted PBX systems are beneficial for your business.

Cost - Hosted PBX services at VoIP Xchange 360 in Dallas have zero upfront costs. With no upfront costs, this type of VoIP communication solution becomes much more accessible for more businesses. You simply pay one low monthly cost based on only the services you need. We customize our hosted VoIP systems to meet your specific needs and are careful not to provide you or charge you with anything that won’t benefit your business.

Scalability - The goal of practically every business is growth, right? If you are thinking long-term, hosted PBX options are an excellent solution. This type of VoIP service is incredibly easy to scale up and grow with you as your business grows. There is a much lower risk when you choose hosted PBX services as you scale up for projected growth since there is no long-term commitment and, if you don’t end up growing as fast as projected, you can easily scale back your VoIP services to match your current demands.

Reliability - Even the smallest periods of communications downtime can result in big losses for many businesses. One missed call can make a world of difference depending on your industry. With cloud-based VoIP services at VoIP Xchange 360 in Dallas, you’ll have 99.99% uptime of your communications system. That’s because even if you lose power and internet services, calls can be rerouted to a mobile phone. This is due to redundancy and having your communications systems hosted off-site.

Maintenance - With hosted PBX, there is virtually no maintenance for you to worry about. All of the infrastructure, upkeep, and day-to-day operations of your VoIP system are handled by our team in Dallas. This enables you to focus on effectively running your business and getting things done rather than focusing on your communications systems.

Considerations for Hosted PBX

While hosted PBX VoIP services are an excellent option for many businesses across the country, there are some factors that you should be aware of that could impact your experience.

Connection - With hosted PBX services, the call quality and connection are mostly reliant on your internet connection. If your business has strong internet, there is nothing to worry about. However, if your business suffers from low and inconsistent internet speeds and performance, this could have a negative impact on your overall experience with hosted PBX systems.

When your internet goes down in your office, your hosted PBX communications systems can route calls to mobile phones and voicemail, but a frequent loss in internet will lead to frustration not only with your VoIP phone systems but the daily operations of your business.

If you have poor internet at your place of business, reach out to us at VoIP Xchange 360 in Dallas. We may be able to implement a superior internet infrastructure that makes hosted PBX a better option for your enterprise.

Long-Term Cost - When compared to on-site PBX systems, you may wind up paying more long-term depending on a variety of factors. Since you pay more upfront with on-site PBX and own the equipment, your expenses may go down over time. With hosted PBX, you pay less upfront and pay one flat rate for your services over time. However, it’s worth noting that these savings may be negligible depending on how many staff members you have to hire and train to maintain your on-site PBX system.

VoIP Communications at VoIP Xchange 360 in Dallas

We hope that today’s blog has helped provide you with the helpful information you need to make a well-educated decision about your VoIP communications systems. If you are interested in learning more about the many services we offer, getting an estimate, or scheduling a demo, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at VoIP Xchange 360 in Dallas today!